To: Kern High School District, Board of Trustees
Call for an Open Search for Next KHSD Superintendent
We, the community members of Kern County, urge you to conduct an open nationwide search for the new superintendent of the Kern High School District, rather than limiting this to an internal search. We understand that this comprehensive search may take longer than an internal search, and therefore request the appointment of an interim superintendent.
Why is this important?
In January 2014, Kern High School District (KHSD) Superintendent Donald E. Carter announced he is retiring, as of August 2014. The Kern High School District Board of Trustees announced they only plan to conduct an internal search, despite public pressure from community stakeholders urging an open search. While we acknowledge that there may be competent candidates currently serving KHSD, we believe our community will benefit from the widest possible search for the most forward thinking and highly skilled candidate. We need a superintendent with substantial experience and the qualities necessary to tackle the issues and challenges facing the district at this juncture.