To: Governor Eric Holcomb


Your signature requests Governor Mike Pence to execute an executive order calling for a moratorium for using solitary confinement for discipline in Indiana Department of Corrections.

Why is this important?

After Naked Truth (ANT)
We use the sword of truth to cut through well-dressed lies to reveal the NAKED TRUTH

VISION: Hold commercial entities, elected officials, pastors, civil rights organizations, and ourselves accountable.
MISSION: To make prosperity be defined as the absence of the poor not the presence of the rich.

Governor Mike Pence
Indiana State Capitol Building, Room 206
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

317-232-4567 Governor's Phone

Dear Governor Pence:

We call on you to act boldly now to end the torture now practiced in the Indiana prisons.

As the international community has examined the research, including over a century of scientific studies suggesting that prolonged solitary confinement leads to irreversible mental degradation, experts have found that use of segregation for periods in excess of fifteen days constitutes torture and cannot be supported under existing international standards for human rights. Kofi Ajabu has spent over a decade in solitary and still experiences solitary as of this writing. And he is not the only Indiana inmate suffering from this condition.

The abuses of solitary confinement are now being litigated in the Federal Courts, and reviewed in Congressional hearings. The treatment of inmates has become the subject of international reviews of this nation's human rights record. DOC present policies require an hour of daily exercise and regular access to personal hygiene for every inmate held there. In many instances these policies are ignored. As a result inmates for whom you are responsible have gone weeks without a shower or an hour in the exercise yard.

We assert that these practices compound the torture inherent in long periods of solitary confinement and are inconsistent with the values of a state Constituted to "insure justice to all;" and that no "cruel and unusual punishments be inflicted".

We appeal to you to sign an executive order that implements a moratorium to end this torture conducted in our name and with our tax dollars.


Rev. Mmoja Ajabu, Founder
[email protected]


We plan to present the above letter the governor of Indiana in September. We will notify you of exact date and time. Please indicate your willingness to be a signatory by August 31st. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. – Rev. Ajabu
