To: The Hawaii State House, The Hawaii State Senate, and Governor David Ige

Call For A Special Session To Pass Equal Marriage In Hawai'i

The Governor has stated that he MIGHT call a Special Session of the Hawaii State Legislature to pass marriage equality into law. Let Governor Abercrombie and the Legislature know that justice delayed is never justice. We need a Special Session called, and we need it called NOW!

Why is this important?

The Governor has stated that he MIGHT call a Special Session of the Hawaii State Legislature to pass marriage equality into law. Let Governor Abercrombie and the Legislature know that justice delayed is never justice. We need a Special Session called, and we need it called NOW!

We've been waiting 20 years since Justice Steven Levinson decided in Baehr v. Lewin that it was unconstitutional for same-sex couples to be denied marriage in Hawai'i. The resulting court case showed then--and it remains true today--that the State of Hawaii has NO compelling interest to deny ANY couple equal marriage.

In the 1998 debacle, a minority of Hawai'i's voters decided in a "referendum" of sorts to take away the rights of GLBT couples and assigned marriage to the sole and dedicated purview of the Legislature. Senators and Representatives alone were empowered to decide who can marry whom and when. The public has HAD it's say. It is way overdue for the Governor Abercrombie and the Hawaii Senate and House to call immediately for a Special Session of the Legislature to pass marriage equality for all of Hawai'i's citizens into law.

Please help us ask our lawmakers and the Governor to make marriage equlity a reality in Hawai'i TODAY!
