To: SPPS board of Education, Chair of the School Board and its members

Call for Valeria Silvia's resignation

This petition is sent to collect signatures for the SPPS Board of Education to honor citizens request to replace her. The signatures are testimony of no confidence in her ability to lead and represent the children, families, and staff of SPPS.

Why is this important?

This petition is created to send the citizens message to our school board of the vote of no confidence and lack of trust of the Valeria Silvia leadership team and the direction of her present reign. The massive exodus of families, her decisions on spending taxpayers monies, and the lack of direction with curriculum that focus our youth for college, school safety issues caused by her disrespect with cutting the support needed to manage or address these concerns that her leadership has caused. She has shown that she is inept and vengeful her approaches to address the above situations.