To: Newt Gingrich, Republican Candidate for President, Rick Santorum, Republican Candidate for President, Mitt Romney, Republican Candidate for President, and Ron Paul, Republican Candidate for President

Call to All Republican Candidates to Disavow Racism in the 2012 Campaign

We, the undersigned, petition the presidential candidates of the Republican Party for 2012 to publicly disavow the use of race in any way, shape, or form, in any way, including speaking engagements, printed matter, television ads, radio ads, and telephone calls, by the candidate and any member of their organization, volunteers, and operatives of the Republican Party working on their behalf for the remainder of their campaigns until they stop running, or they reach the end of the general election process in November. We further ask them to pledge to disavow the use of racism by any of their support organizations, such as Super PACs and grass roots groups. Finally, we ask that the candidates ACTIVELY dissuade guests and other speakers at meetings and public forms, or even private events from injecting race into the campaign, or repudiate such racism when it is aired by others.

Why is this important?

Whether it's Newt Gingrich's poverty "code" about janitors or Rick Santorum saying nothing while a racist Florida woman tried to delegitimize President Obama by calling him a "Muslim," Republicans have either used, or allowed to be used, the Birther movement, and other thinly veiled or openly racist statements to garner votes of white voters afraid of minorities. We want each candidate to make a public statement that they will disavow use of racism, racial code, and also take to task any event guest, support group like a SuperPAC, campaign staff, or party operative using race for political gain. These candidates want to be president of ALL of the people of the United States. They need to defend ALL of the citizens of this country, even during the day-in, day-out of their campaigns.