To: Cami Anderson, Superintendent, Newark Public Schools
Cami Anderson: Give Your $50K Bonus to the Students of Newark Public Schools!
As parents, teachers, students and taxpayers, we are demanding that Cami Anderson – the state-appointed Superintendent of Newark Public Schools - refuses to accept a $50,000 bonus and instead ask that those funds be funneled back into the Newark Public School system!
We are collectively asking you to make this gesture in good faith to the students, parents and the Newark community!
We are collectively asking you to make this gesture in good faith to the students, parents and the Newark community!
Why is this important?
Newark Public Schools are faced with $57 million in cuts that will force some of our schools to cut their budgets as much as 20 percent. Our children are learning in schools with crumbling infrastructure where plywood doors, collapsing ceilings and water damage are common. Our voices at the local level are excluded and ignored by bureaucrats and politicians in Trenton. Teachers are overwhelmed by class sizes and earn salaries that do not reflect the critical role they play in Newark’s future. Appropriate funding to properly educate our youth is inadequate.
Essentially, Cami Anderson has failed to be the outspoken advocate that the Newark Public School system desperately needs in order to be successful in educating and preparing our next generation of leaders. We do not believe that a $50,000 bonus is warranted.
Fifty-thousand dollars will not relieve all the stresses faced by the Newark Public School system, but if the state has those funds then local use should be determined by Newark public school students, parents and teachers.
There is an opportunity for Cami Anderson to do the right thing and offer those funds back to the community she claims to serve.
Essentially, Cami Anderson has failed to be the outspoken advocate that the Newark Public School system desperately needs in order to be successful in educating and preparing our next generation of leaders. We do not believe that a $50,000 bonus is warranted.
Fifty-thousand dollars will not relieve all the stresses faced by the Newark Public School system, but if the state has those funds then local use should be determined by Newark public school students, parents and teachers.
There is an opportunity for Cami Anderson to do the right thing and offer those funds back to the community she claims to serve.