To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Campaign Finance Reform

It is impossible to have fair elections in this country when only millionaires can afford to run for office. If we do not change the campaign finance laws, we can't change this country. Corporations have taken over this country and I want to give it back to the people. Not the rich people, the other people. People who work here, have worked here and dream here of one day owning a home, sending their children to school and maybe even being able to retire before they drop dead. If they get sick, they will have health care and will not have to spend their life savings to survive. Only campaign finance reform can accomplish this. Until everyone, has a fair chance to run for office, only the rich will continue to get elected and make policies that keep strangling the poor and middle class.
Tell everyone in Washington, we don't like the rules. CHANGE NOW!

Why is this important?

Money from big business buys all our elected officials. Let's stop that with campaign finance reform now. No more big money buying votes. No more professional lobbying in Washington.