To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Campaign Financing, the Root of all Evil in USA

The 99% need to rewrite the rules concerning campaign financing so the USA is a democracy again and not ruled by the capitalistic 1%.

Why is this important?

Our present system of financing campaigns for all offices is destroying democracy. Having politicians write the rules of campaign financing is self-serving. Presently almost no one runs for office without backing from organizations. Corporations, unions and foreign countries expect a return on their money when they contribute to a candidate. Their interests seldom support the 99%. Corporations are not people and yet our Supreme Court has ruled they are when it comes to financing campaigns. Doing what's right for the country is secondary to doing what's good for a particular political party. Besides costing billions, never-ending campaigning takes leaders away from their elected jobs and is an intrusion in our lives