To: UFCW Local 555, Dan Clay and Jeff Anderson


We are tired of lack luster contracts, bonuses, take-aways and "raises"!! We are urging our Union leaders to do the job WE pay them to do by campaigning for our 2015 contract NOW!! The longer THEY wait, the less WE get!! The time to act is NOW!!!

Why is this important?

As Pro-Union, Pro-555 members, we want to get our Union Leaders to fight for and with us to come up with a plan for a better contract!! Our raises have been going down and out of pocket expenses for healthcare have been going up. We make less money than we did 10 years ago and we are tired of it!! It's time for us to stand up and say we deserve better!! No more bad contracts, no more waiting, no more dragging!! Start preparing NOW for a better contract!!!
