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To: The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Cancel Judge Genece Brinkley!

Free the Meek Mill’s of this country! Get Judge Brinkley out of office NOW, before any more unjust harm can be done to people!

Why is this important?

Judge Genece Brinkley of Philadelphia is the reason Meek Mill has gotten caught up in this country’s broken criminal justice system. She is not only responsible for Meek Mill’s disenfranchisement, but she is responsible for the unjust jailing of an astronomical number of young black men. She continually files dozens of civil lawsuits against her own tenants (yes she is also a landlord of an apartment complex in the area) that have no legitimacy. She is a corrupt judge. She is just one more piece of this corrupt criminal justice system. Sign this petition and send to everyone. Post this link everywhere you can. Judge Genece Brinkley needs to go NOW, before anyone else under her rule is unjustly sentenced.



2023-01-20 02:02:48 -0500

50 signatures reached