To: George Zimmerman, direct emails @, Damon Feldman, CEO Celebrity Boxing Federation, Richard DE LA Font Agency Incorporated, (Listed Booking Agent for DMX -, Earl Si...

Cancel The Zimmerman / DMX "Celebrity" Boxing Match

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

February 5, 2014 would have been the nineteenth birthday of slain teenager Trayvon Martin. While many recognized his birthday by recalling the sadness of another young Black male killed for no reason other than his skin color, promoter Damon Feldman marked the occasion by promoting a so called Celebrity Boxing Match between Martin’s killer, George Zimmerman and controversial gangster rapper DMX in poor taste. Instead of simply complaining about the injustices of the legal system and the exploitation of this young man’s murder, Sistas Inspiring Sistas would like to petition for the cancellation of Feldman’s insensitive attempt at entertainment.

Why is this important?

Not just as Black women or Black mothers, but as deeply and truly concerned Sistas Inspiring Sistas feel that such an event simply should not occur. Besides the obvious question,
How can Zimmerman (who claims a teen been him to the point of necessary deadly force) fight a fully grown man. According to his own testimony he should at minimum feel threatened and more appropriately in fear for his life. Zimmerman is a murderer not a celebrity. Murder is after all a capital crime. Nothing about a killing an unarmed youth is worthy of celebration. We consider this a mockery of justice and the legacy of Trayvon Martin.

Furthermore, information has come to light concerning Damon Feldman’s lack of ethics as well. Mr. Feldman has been publicly sanctioned for fixing fights and promoting without proper fighter licensing ( In fact his ability to promote in Pennsylvania was taken during his sanctioning process). This knowledge also lends the idea that this fight may not be fair and in so doing could stir further racial unrest across the country and potentially the world.

To Sistas Inspiring Sistas, Trayvon Martin’s death signifies the injustice and malfunctions of the legal system and should NOT be glorified as entertainment. We could not affect the disappointing verdict outcome last summer, but we can do something about this travesty now.

Sistas Inspiring Sistas, a positive organization of Black women across the country, asks that you stand with us and sign this petition in support of canceling this match.

Please support our pettition and any others including
