Our amazing volunteers gathered close to 300,000 signatures to get this on the ballot in WA State in November! WA State's Initiative 735 offers a real solution to the problem of Big Money in Elections and when approved by the voters in November 2016 will make WA the 17th State to call for change. If money is speech, then the voices of the majority of voters are drowned out! Whenever this issue has gone to the voters (in 700 cities and in two states, Montana and Colorado), it has been shown to be a non-partisan issue and has won with very strong majorities. I-735 calls for a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court decisions that equated money with speech and gave the constitutional rights of personhood to corporations. Please go to
www.wamend.org/initiativelanguage/ for the complete text of our initiative. Voters call on you to endorse this initiative and drive us to victory in November.