To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Cap on Congress' Term/Benefits

Stop funding congress' lifetime healthcare/pension benefits. Keep the benefits only as long as they are employed in congress, which should be capped to two terms. Transfer savings of benefits no longer paid to elected officials directly for the medical/survivor benefits of our military and their families.

Why is this important?

I would like to propose something that isn't a new idea regarding term limits for all congress and senate elected officials. I would like them to be capped at two terms. With that I would also like to see the government employees be invested in 401k accounts and have them have the same opportunities as those of us they represent to seek healthcare insurance at the end of their term, either voted out or term has expired. Their retirement/401k would function the same as the private sector. With the savings we would realize, I would propose that money go directly to fund healthcare benefits for our veterans. I would work in more details, but would love if we could have a serious action on this issue. I believe we americans are tired of this congress/senate reaping benefits that last too long and for really no achieved results.