Let's ask our legislators for increased FMLA rights for our parents and those of us who are care providers, along with tax credit for caring for them.
Why is this important?
Our nation's law makers should take steps to extend the length of Family Medical Leave Act Time and offer meaningful tax credits to the millions of Americans caring for an aging or disabled baby boomer family member. My father Mike is currently on SSI and Medicare and when his illness becomes severe, which is often, I must take off from work.
Things became complicated this year when I was out due to an automobile accident. I have now run out of FMLA and sick time for the year and am at the mercy of my employer. Meanwhile, I am paying for much of his care, while performing three peoples' jobs doing personal care, house cleaning, etc. all on top of my career as a flight attendant. Quality skilled nursing facilities can cost up to $6,000.00 a month, a figure simply out of reach for most working people. My situation is not unusual This is happening to so many of us. The emotional and financial drain is unbelievable.