To: Cardinal Dolan and the Catholic Church
Catholic Medical Coverage Lawsuit
Catholic bishops are asking the courts to protect their religious right to disallow insurance coverage for the birth control pill because the pill effects reproduction. This also includes the use of the pill in the treatment of endometriosis, uterine and ovarian cysts, excessive bleeding and medical conditions that could effect the health and well being of women due to the effects on a woman’s ability to reproduce. Since certain medical treatments can also effect a man's potency, medication and treatment should also be denied for them. Prostate cancer or any other cancer treatment that renders a man sterile should not be covered for religious reasons. If bishops feel that women should be denied the pill, even when health conditions may be life threatening, due to the loss of fertility, then treatments that effect a man's potency or sex drive should also be denied, even to priests and bishops that have taken and honor the vow of chastity. Any treatment for any condition, including cancer, that results in loss of sterility or potency levels should also be denied coverage as this is contrary to the religious teachings pertaining to the purpose of procreation due to the destruction of sperm or organs that produce sperm.
Why is this important?
Catholic bishops are concerned about the government's requirement that birth control pills be a part of an employee's medical coverage even if that institution receives federal money for their services. The bishops are concerned about the woman losing her reproductive ability and that is contrary to their religious beliefs for any reason. This should also include any treatment for any medical condition or medication that could reduce or render a male employee, priest or bishop sterile.