To: Les Moonves, President and CEO of CBS Corporation
CBS's apology over its blatantly political Benghazi story is too little too late.
CBS's meek apology regarding its airing on "60 Minutes" a politically skewed story about the Benghazi tragedy, a story based on questionable sources, is inadequate. When Dan Rather and Mary Mapes produced a story that aired on CBS regarding George W. Bush and his foibles and preferential treatment with the Texas Air National Guard and one of their sources was alleged to be unreilable, CBS fired Mapes and three others and Rather was forced out. Unlike the current "60 Minutes" Benghazi story, the gist of the Bush/National Guard story was true. This puts the lie to Lara Logan's claim that the only thing 60 Minutes cares about is truth. If Rather, Mapes, et al were taken off the air by CBS for reporting a true story that offended the politically powerful, Logan and the others at "60 Minutes" behind the blatantly political Benghazi story, an unvarnished attempt by powerful corporate media, to distort truth and fool the public to advance their political ends, should, at the very least, suffer the same fate as Rather and Mapes.
Why is this important?
Too few people seem to take seriously the threat to one of the fundamental pillars of our democracy, an informed electorate. Manipulation of the truth for selfish, political purposes by the corporate media charged with reporting truth is not acceptable and there should be public consequences for the misuse of the forum CBS and the other powerful corporate interests who purport to report the news have been granted by us, the people.