To: President Donald Trump, The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, Governor Jared Polis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Cell phones and driving do Not Mix!!

I would like to start a petition giving myself an exemption to the 1934 Communications ACT and title 47 U.S.C. section 302 letter A & B. I have created a device that would jam a cell phone signal 3 to 5 feet inside a vehicle only when the vehicle is in operation. It would not interfere with anybody's cell phone space. It will only jam a signal within the front seat of a vehicle. With the research out about distracted driving, along with teen driving while texting accidents, this product would be a great safety device to teen drivers and ALL others sharing our roads. I want to focus first with parents with teen drivers, and then eventually move forward to help make our roads safer.
People really should sign my petition, because distractive driving involves everyone. We should all be concerned with the safety on our roads, and for our children.

Why is this important?

I would like to start a petition giving myself an exemption to the 1934 Communications ACT and title 47 U.S.C. section 302 letter A & B. I have created a device that would jam a cell phone signal 3 to 5 feet inside a vehicle only when the vehicle is in operation.