To: Governor Andrew Cuomo

Central Hudson Gas & Electric - don't stop Solar Net Metering!

We want Central Hudson Gas & Electric and the New York Public Service Commission to IMMEDIATELY INCREASE the 12 MW cap on net metering and ALLOW NET METERING to resume for SOLAR and RENEWABLE ENERGY.

Why is this important?

One of New York State's major electric/gas utility companies, Central Hudson Gas & Electric, has been noted for its promotion of solar energy and allowing its utility customers to interconnect their solar energy systems to the utility grid and sell solar electricity back to the grid using net metering.

However, a few weeks back Central Hudson suddenly reached its net metering limit cap of 12 MW and is no longer allowing any customers to interconnect their solar energy equipment to the grid via net metering. This shortsighted and unrealistically low cap of only 12 MW imposed by the PSC goes totally against Governer Cuomo's goals of doubling and quadrupling solar installations in the next 2 years in NY.

Solar companies in the region have already been badly affected and will soon have to lay off staff and maybe even close down unless the limit is raised and net metering applications are again allowed to be processed.

Neighboring states have far surpassed New York's solar installation figures which are comparatively very low due to these types of bureaucratic hurdles. We hope this petition will bring the problem to the attention of the NY state government so they can rectify the net metering cap and allow the proliferation of the solar sector in New York.