To: The Montana State House, The Montana State Senate, and Governor Steve Bullock

Challenge Citizen's United Decision

Amend Montana State law to reflect the rejection of previous Montana law related to political campaign expenditures. The appropriate section of the business code should be amended to add the following:

Any company (public or private) that wishes to do business in the State of Montana shall:
(1) provide full transparency of all political contributions in the annual report of all companies, unless they do not produce an annual report (per GAAP); and,
(2) each board of a company (public or private) shall be subject to binding shareholder votes over allowing political contributions from the company.

Why is this important?

We need a state law to support the US Supreme Court decision in Citizen's United to make all exercise of 1st Amendment rights by by companies subject to regulation to require (1) full transparency of all political contributions in the annual report of all companies; and, (2) each board of a company shall be subject to binding shareholder votes over allowing political contributions from the company.

We need the above to be enacted and upheld by the US Supreme Court, or a Constitutional Amendment defining a corporation as not a "person" under law, but that would be much harder.
