To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

Change Florida Statute 720 on condo and HOA's rights to Foreclosure

Stop Homeowners Association's boards abuse of powers given to them by Florida's vague and ambiguous Statues. Place a cap on the amount of attorney's fees a Homeowners Association's attorney can receive for filing foreclosure proceedings.

Why is this important?

My Homeowners association, Courtyards at Avalon, filed foreclosure proceedings for .47 cents, and now the HOA's attorney is claiming attorney's fees exceeding $8400 from February of 2013. HOA can foreclose faster, has more rights over your property than you and your lenders. The HOA and their attorney's can file defective liens with the intent to steal your property and the legislators allow this due to the vague and ambiguous language of the Florida Statute governing Condominiums and HOA (720). There needs to be a change to the Statute to protect homeowners.