To: President Donald Trump

Change in Social Security Policy

Allow Retired People between ages 62 and 65 years old, receiving Social Security benefits, to earn as much as they can without having to pay a Social Security penalty

Why is this important?

Between ages 62 and 65 years old, Social Security (SSA) places a limit on the amount a person can earn when receiving SSA retirement benefits. If you earn more than the allowable amount, you have to pay a penalty. You have to pay back a part of the retirement benefits you have already received. The problem is that the SSA retirement check is not enough to live on in many cases, Therefore, a person might have to get another (retirement) job to suplement the Social Security retirement income. I might add that while working the "retirement job", one is still paying into the Social Security System and to my knowledge, that money is not being used to increase the person's retirement check in any way! What happens to this additional money? At age 66, there is no limit to the amount a person can earn while receiving a SSA retirement check and there is no penalty to pay. It appears that this policy was instituted some time ago with no good reason. It also appears that retiree's within the age group of 62 through 65, still working may not be receiving the appropriate amount of benefits based on the money they are still paying into the system. I would like to have the policy changed. I would like it if retired people between ages 62 and 65 could be allowed to earn as much as they can without having to pay back money that they have already paid into the system and earned the right to retire. Reasons for early retirement may vary from one person to another and therefore, the question of why a person retired early should not be a factor in having this policy changed. Mr. President, I thank you for your assistance in this situation.