Somehow, someone somewhere decided it was ok to name the test that public school students have to now take, the "SLO student assessment", the acronym for Student Learning Objectives. Many educators, students and parents are offended and outraged. The name is degrading, insensitive and discouraging. I've seen the life sucked out of some of my best and brightest students just by the mere mention of the "SLO test" and rightfully so. It's time to change such a disturbing name for a student test.
Why is this important?
I'm an educator who is stunned at the inappropriate name of the test that public school students have to now take, called the "SLO student assessment", which is demeaning to say the least. Imagine the name for the "Department of Universal Mathematics" test. Would we call it the "DUM student" test? I would certainly hope not. The same logic should have prevailed here. Such an offensive acronym should never have been approved and should be changed at once.