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To: Derryk Sellers: NJSIAA Director of Winter Track & Field

Change the venue.

The Toms River Bubble is a facility that doesn't support the needs of the NJ track and field state tournament. It's not centrally located, there's not enough parking, the track surface is slow, and spectators can't see the races.

Above all, it doesn't host the long jump and triple jump. Not only does this result in skewed team scores, it's an equity issue, as some kids get to win state titles while others don't. That's just not fair to our hard-working student-athletes.

The solution here is to move all of the track and field state tournament meets to Ocean Breeze - even if this means hosting them on weeknights like so many other indoor meets.

Why is this important?

Changing the venue of the state championships to Ocean Breeze is important to all stakeholders:

1- It's best for runners. The faster, banked track will result in much faster times.

2- It's best for parents. Spectators have unobstructed views of all events and all times.

3- It's best for teams. Team championships will reflect the true team champions since all indoor events will be hosted.

4- It's best for jumpers. Long jumpers and triple jumpers will get to compete for a state title like in other states, and it will resolve a major issue of equity by not hosting these events.

How it will be delivered

We'll email Derryk Sellers, the NJSIAA Director of Winter Track & Field, at the conclusion of the indoor season.



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