To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Changes to assure performance from out Government

This is to address government reform and holding accountable all of our political representatives. Instead of electing them for a specific term, they would be hired on an at will basis, and would be held accountable for their performance and can be fired for non-performance.

Why is this important?

Right now our politicians are elected to office based on their campaign promises. Unless the do something that creates a scandal, they stay in office for their term no matter what their performance is office is accomplishing. Changing the structure of how are political representatives are elected into a hiring process just like the rest of us, where if they don't perform they are fired and someone else is hired to take their place. No more big pensions after office, no more fat benefits after term is over. They would be at will employees where we could hire or fire them for lack of performance. The President and Vice President would still be elected, but there would be a panel to hire Congressman, Representative and any other office based on their past experience and performance.