To: Doug Whittaker, Charlotte County Public School System Superintendent

Charlotte County School Superintendent: Don't Let Underqualified Substitutes Instruct Our Core Cl...

Stop allowing substitute teachers without degrees or teaching history in the core subject class they are temporarily instructing. Only allow qualified instructors to "sit in" for maths, sciences, english, and history/social studies classes.

Why is this important?

At Port Charlotte High School, three Algebra 2 Honors class, one Advanced Placement Statistics class, and one Trigonometry honors class filled with students from three grade levels were left for 4-5 months without a consistent and qualified teacher to prepare them for their exams, EOCs, or for their future courses. Although they were given substitutes as temporary replacements, these instructors were simply bodies within the room to take attendance while other teachers from the Math department would occasionally (meaning 3-5 different teachers showing students 3-5 different methods of completing their work which is inefficient) come in. As one of many sophomores that didn't have a consistent and qualified instructor to teach her/him the course material, I am now at a disadvantage against other students from different schools that were offered the learning experience I should have received and am still being required to take a final exam on material that's been simply handed to me through worksheets without adequate instruction.
