To: Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase Bank CEO

Chase Bank: Unfairly Collecting Insufficient Funds Fees!

Stop Chase Bank from unfairly collecting Insufficient Funds Fees by way of processing checks (highest amounts first, then lowest) BEFORE deposits each night. This practice results in customers incurring multiple, and often unnecessary, Insufficient Funds Fees!

Why is this important?

Ever wonder how JPMorgan Chase Bank makes so much money ($96 BILLION in Revenues in 2013)? One way is through Insufficient Funds Fees. What's most disturbing is HOW Chase accumulates this money: Through the unfair practice of processing any/all checks (highest amounts first, then lowest) BEFORE processing any/all deposits each night. With this policy in place, Chase customers can - if not careful - incur multiple Insufficient Funds (IF) Fees, when these fees could be minimized or negated altogether. How so? Here's an example: Let's say on Thursday night your Chase checking account has a balance of $50 but $1,000 dollars in deposits is set to come through on Friday. You also have two outstanding checks set to come through, one for $40, the other for $60. Chase will FIRST process the $60 check, which will put your balance at $-10 (and you'll be hit with a $34 IF Fee; now your balance is $-44) and THEN process the $40 check, which will extend your balance to $-84 (add another $34 IF Fee). When the dust settles, your checking account balance is at $-118 (and Chase just made $68). Only after that, will Chase process any/all deposits. As alternatives to this current policy, Chase could: A.) Process any/all deposits FIRST and then process any/all checks, or B.) At the very least, if Chase continues to process checks FIRST, do so in the order of lowest-to-highest amounts. Using the example above, if the $40 check was processed FIRST followed by the $60 check, a customer would only incur one $34 IF Fee. If you believe this Chase Bank policy is unfair to its customers, I would appreciate your signature as well as your help in forwarding it on to others to sign. Thank You! Dan O'Bryan