To: City of cheasapeake, Va, Name, Title or Position (optional), and Name, Title or Position (optional)

Cheasapeake City Jail, Inmates Right To Receive Photos

Inmates are people too. Help me help them and familes of the incarcerated so they may continue to recive photos of loved ones.

Why is this important?

Recently Cheasapeake city jail has changed the photo policy from five photos of children/loved ones per inmate to now, not allowing photos to be sent in anymore. What they have is what they get. Some of these men/women will be spending a great deal of time behind bars and regardless of the crime committed I dont think its fair they have to go without photos. Visitation only allows children to visit who are age 12 and older. To some of the inmates photos are the only way for them to see thier children.My Husband is one of the inmates at Cheasapeake city jail. We have a 10 month old son together. His son was born wile his Father was incarcerated. He has some time to go before they will get the chance to meet. He looks foward to photos as they show his baby boy growing into a young man. Please help me and others by sighing this petition so the inmates of Cheasapeake city jail (who are people too) can still recive photos. Thank you for your time and effort.