To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


It is hard not to realize that our skies have been turned into polluted stripes or grids by the geo-engineers. Have you noticed that some airplanes leave an exhaust streak that quickly dissolves while others leave streaks that are miles long and turn into wispy clouds, sometimes obliterating the blue sky?

All reports indicate that barium and aluminum have been sprayed in our skies for years for purposes of global weather control. These particles eventually fall on our ground with untested consequences. Who are these people spraying our air? They must come forth or this practice must stop.

Why is this important?

We must stop chemtrails in our skies. Our health is at risk and the consequences to the planet are unknown. More days than not, the sky where I live are sprayed. The spraying seems to be concentrated over particular areas such as an urban community struggling to achieve environmental and economic justice.
