To: Cathy L. Lanier, Metropolitan Police Department [MPD] Chief of Police, Sgt. Andrew Margiotta, Metropolitan Police Department Major Crash Investigations Unit, Detective Michael Miller, Metropolitan Police Department Major Crash Investigat...

Chief Cathy Lanier: We need justice for Bereket

The Ethiopian Community in the DMV area is still in shock for what happened to Bereket, we are asking the Metropolitan Police Department to increase the ongoing investigation of the hit and run. We do understand that MPD workload can be overwhelming sometime and we are offering our unconditional help as a community to find the killer. We will not rest until this case is solved nor we will accept this as of yet another unsolved case.

Why is this important?

On September 14, 2014, our lives were forever changed upon receiving the most devastating news that our dear friend Bereket Haile “BK” was a victim of a deadly hit and run while he was crossing the 2700 block of Georgia Ave. NW in Washington, DC.

The Ethiopian Community in the DMV area is still in shock for what happened to Bereket, we are asking the Metropolitan Police Department to increase the ongoing investigation of the hit and run. We do understand that MPD workload can be overwhelming sometime and we are offering our unconditional help as a community to find the killer. We will not rest until this case is solved nor we will accept this as of yet another unsolved case.

Within the past few years we have lost many members of our community and we have yet to find answers for many questions we have asked, we are starting this petition to make the appropriate people aware that this time around the situation is quite different. We as a community are determined to find the answer to the question “Who Killed Bereket?”