To: Florence Police Department and Ed Clements, 12Th Circuit Solicitor
Child Gang Rapists are Walking Free in Florence, SC
Florence, SC Police Department reopen the case involving the gang rape of a minor 2013-001355.
Why is this important?
Rape is a traumatizing experience for the victim. It is a brutal and dehumanizing violation with lifelong damaging effects. The violence and humiliation involved can take years to recover from, sometimes the victim never recovers. A gang rape is often described as an attack involving 2 or more rapists. This is a life altering experience for any victim, especially a minor of 13 years of age.
A child is forcibly raped by 2 adult men in Florence, SC on the evening of 02/08/2013. The victim's mother did what she felt was the correct thing to do and contacted the Florence Police Department. Instead of an eager to serve response, the mother and the rape victim were disrespected and treated in an unprofessional manner. Adding insult to injury, there was not a thorough investigation of the crime scene and the perpetrators are allowed to walk the streets among law abiding citizens.
Over the past year the family has been bullied and harassed by the alleged rapists and their families. Due to the poor judgement made by the investigating officer; the rapists felt above the law. Their bullying and harassment has caused the victim and her family to move four times and withdraw the victim from public school to be homeschooled to escape the constant bullying. The victim who should be focusing on learning algebra or planning her next slumber party must live with the constant fear of additional attacks and victimization.
The child suffers from nightmares, bullying, fear and distrust of the system created to "protect and serve" the community she lives in. Her mother feeling helpless and not knowing where else to turn has turned to me ... a child advocate, a victim professional, a crime fighter, a survivor but most importantly a MOTHER.
A mother to children who I would give my life to protect. As a mother, it is important to me that violent child rapists and offenders are brought to justice and removed from our streets. As a citizen, it is important to me that the institutions created to protect our families; do just that...protect.
Please take the time to sign this petition requesting case number 2013-001355 be reopened and correctly investigated. Contact the Florence Police Department and ask to speak to Maj Carlos Raines at 843-676-8800
1. Ask him why two child rapist who admitted to engaging in sexual intercourse with a minor are still allowed to walk the streets of Florence, SC putting everyone's children at risk.
2. Ask him why there was not a thorough crime scene investigation.
3. Ask him why these rapist, at the minimum, where not charged and held on Criminal Sexual Conduct with a Minor in the second degree.
The South Carolina Criminal Code Code §16-3-655 states "Elements of the Offense:
i. (B) A person is guilty of criminal sexual conduct with a minor in the second degree if:
(1) the actor engages in sexual battery with a victim who is fourteen years of age or less but who is at least eleven years of age.
4. Ask him why he is failing his community and allowing children to be placed at risk under his watch.
Contact Ed Clements and ask him why he is not moving forward with prosecution of this case. His contact information is 843-665-3091.
Edmund Burke stated "The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing" Please stand up for THIS child and all the other innocent children with no voice, speak and be heard. Make the phone calls, sign and share this petition and let those in power who chose to do nothing know; we will not let it go unnoticed. We will be HER voice...and the voice of many.
Sign and Share
Call and Question
Maj Carlos Raines 843-676-8800
Ed Clements 843-665-3091
Reopen and Prosecute Florence Police Dept Case ID 2013-001355
“I raise up my voice-not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard....”Malala Yousafzai
A child is forcibly raped by 2 adult men in Florence, SC on the evening of 02/08/2013. The victim's mother did what she felt was the correct thing to do and contacted the Florence Police Department. Instead of an eager to serve response, the mother and the rape victim were disrespected and treated in an unprofessional manner. Adding insult to injury, there was not a thorough investigation of the crime scene and the perpetrators are allowed to walk the streets among law abiding citizens.
Over the past year the family has been bullied and harassed by the alleged rapists and their families. Due to the poor judgement made by the investigating officer; the rapists felt above the law. Their bullying and harassment has caused the victim and her family to move four times and withdraw the victim from public school to be homeschooled to escape the constant bullying. The victim who should be focusing on learning algebra or planning her next slumber party must live with the constant fear of additional attacks and victimization.
The child suffers from nightmares, bullying, fear and distrust of the system created to "protect and serve" the community she lives in. Her mother feeling helpless and not knowing where else to turn has turned to me ... a child advocate, a victim professional, a crime fighter, a survivor but most importantly a MOTHER.
A mother to children who I would give my life to protect. As a mother, it is important to me that violent child rapists and offenders are brought to justice and removed from our streets. As a citizen, it is important to me that the institutions created to protect our families; do just that...protect.
Please take the time to sign this petition requesting case number 2013-001355 be reopened and correctly investigated. Contact the Florence Police Department and ask to speak to Maj Carlos Raines at 843-676-8800
1. Ask him why two child rapist who admitted to engaging in sexual intercourse with a minor are still allowed to walk the streets of Florence, SC putting everyone's children at risk.
2. Ask him why there was not a thorough crime scene investigation.
3. Ask him why these rapist, at the minimum, where not charged and held on Criminal Sexual Conduct with a Minor in the second degree.
The South Carolina Criminal Code Code §16-3-655 states "Elements of the Offense:
i. (B) A person is guilty of criminal sexual conduct with a minor in the second degree if:
(1) the actor engages in sexual battery with a victim who is fourteen years of age or less but who is at least eleven years of age.
4. Ask him why he is failing his community and allowing children to be placed at risk under his watch.
Contact Ed Clements and ask him why he is not moving forward with prosecution of this case. His contact information is 843-665-3091.
Edmund Burke stated "The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing" Please stand up for THIS child and all the other innocent children with no voice, speak and be heard. Make the phone calls, sign and share this petition and let those in power who chose to do nothing know; we will not let it go unnoticed. We will be HER voice...and the voice of many.
Sign and Share
Call and Question
Maj Carlos Raines 843-676-8800
Ed Clements 843-665-3091
Reopen and Prosecute Florence Police Dept Case ID 2013-001355
“I raise up my voice-not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard....”Malala Yousafzai