To: The Alabama State House, The Alabama State Senate, and Governor Kay Ivey

Children's Promise

I promise to support policies that promote the healthy development of Alabama children into responsible, educated adults. I will consider the needs of a child in poverty as carefully as the needs of a child in wealth. I will set an example of civilized behavior, and I will not treat any individual or group in a way I would be ashamed to have to explain to a child. As an adult, I will sacrifice my own self-interest when necessary, for the sake of our children, our future.

Why is this important?

Pledge for voters and lawmakers in Alabama to sign, promising to protect the needs of children. Our current General Fund is in severe shortfall: services to children including their medical care are being threatened. Some lawmakers have signed a Norquist Pledge not to bring in new revenue with taxes-- we want them to pledge instead to do the right thing for the children of our state. Read more at