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To: Compensation


Chime needs to compensate each customer for all the inconvenience they have created. People have gone through embarrassment at stores, restaurant, gas stations etc. No one has had an issue with them until today when cards began getting declined. Customers should always be allowed to use their OWN money regardless of the “technical difficulties.”

Why is this important?

Every customer is upset for the Inconvenience and not having it up an running.



2019-10-18 07:48:11 -0400

1,000 signatures reached

2019-10-17 07:08:43 -0400

500 signatures reached

2019-10-16 22:46:52 -0400

100 signatures reached

2019-10-16 22:33:33 -0400

50 signatures reached

2019-10-16 22:24:40 -0400

25 signatures reached

2019-10-16 22:17:16 -0400

10 signatures reached