To: The South Carolina State House, The South Carolina State Senate, and Governor Henry McMaster

Choice in South Carolina Public Education (SC Senate Bill 313)

We ask that the South Carolina Legislature, State Superintendent of Education Mick Zais, and Governor Nikki Haley, would support choice in the states’ public school system and affirm the efforts of the “School District Choice Program and Open Enrollment Program” (Senate Bill 313).

Why is this important?

The South Carolina General Assembly is currently debating a bill named the “School District Choice Program and Open Enrollment Program” (Senate Bill 313). If passed, this legislation would enable families within the state of South Carolina a greater choice of which public school their children attend. This bill states that it will “promote student achievement by making the South Carolina public school system the most choice-driven public school system in the nation by increasing student participation in, and student access to, public school educational opportunities both within and outside of their resident school district, regardless of where they live or their socioeconomic status.” It is critical that we make our voices for change and freedom of choice be known to our leaders in the South Carolina legislature. Sign this petition today and let our elected representatives understand the importance of choice in public education.