To: President Donald Trump

Choking Warning Labeling on Grapes

Grapes can KILL. Warn the public of the HAZARD of CHOKING in children under the age of four unless they are cut up. Maddie's Law! In honor of my 3 year old granddaughter who choked to death.

Why is this important?

My granddaughter Madeline Ella Levitt died 2 days after her third Birthday from choking on a grape. EMT's were unable to save her life. Grapes are too soft to be expelled by the Heimlich Maneuver. Statistics show this is one of the top choking hazards in children under the age of four. In honor of her life, I would like to get "Maddie's Law" passed to make it mandatory to place warning labels on packaged grapes and signage in stores on loose grapes! Thank you. Maddie Levitt 05/30/2008 - 06/01/2011. Mimi loves you!