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To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Christians Against Alcoholics Anonymous

There is an increasing debate over whether AA should be considered a religion. In many ways AA does seem Christian in focus, but on closer examination, AA is neither Christian nor moral by any usual definitions of the word. In fact at many junctures it is clear that the more appropriate interpretation of “God” in the AA Fellowship is the Fellowship of AA, as expressed in the acronym, Good Orderly Direction.

Thus, to say that AA is blasphemous is true but only the starting place of why churches should stop allowing AA meetings on their premises, and should instead encourage the development of their own Church sobriety program, rather than support AA or any of the other 12 Step Programs to come out of AA.

Following the observation that AA does not support the idea of Jesus as Savior, despite borrowing from the prestige of a variety of churches whenever it can, is the observation that in AA the only true goal is staying sober. This is key to why AA is increasingly in the news for sex scandal and the exploitation, and even murder, of its more vulnerable members. AA, believe it or not, supports, in the deepest levels of its ideology, the concept that if it helps a man to stay sober to sexually exploit a woman, or even a child, that God must approve of this act. AA then compounds this error/sin by insisting that if this victim feels anger/ “resentment”over being hurt she is less spiritual than her victimizer.

For additional documentation of the blasphemous nature of AA please see the Christian website: If all you need is documentation on the heresy of AA to persuade you to stop your Church’s support of AA and related 12 Step Program, you do not need to go any further.

A great beginner site for understanding more on the corruption of AA is the Orange Papers,even if it is a secular site.

For additional explanation of the victim-blaming and generally immoral ideology of AA, please contact Silver Damsen via Facebook. I would also be a better reference for those not comfortable with the secular approach of the Orange Papers. I am a liberal Christian, but I do respect the point of view of my friends in the Christ of more conservative sects.

There is a firm difference between a cult and a religion and that is the biggest blasphemy of AA. The founders of AA want their audience to think the cult of AA as a religious institution when it concerns Christians, just as it wants atheists to believe that AA is secular. AA cannot be both, and it isn’t both. That is because AA is a cult. The Christian Churches are not cults, and as such, should not support the cult of AA.

Why is this important?

I am part of the growing Anti-AA movement. We, of the Anti-AA movement, have watched AA ideology destroy and kill the more vulnerable members of AA and other related 12 Step Groups. Many of us have also almost been destroyed by the psychological abuse of AA ourselves. AA does not show a significant statistical long term success rate, but it is increasingly showing more and more victims. The Christian Church needs to stop allowing meetings on its premises and/or stop encouraging its followers to attend AA.



2023-07-04 11:11:14 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-06-23 14:07:12 -0400

25 signatures reached