To: Timothy L. Hall, President, Office of Career Services and Janet Velazquez, Assistant Director of Career Services


We want Austin Peay State University to agree to allow any organization to organize or recruit on our campus if that organization routinely upholds American values and international law and/or operates so we can have a student code of conduct. The CIA is one such organization and it has a long and amazing history that includes killing terrorists, stopping terror, continued actions against America's enemies, stopping drug trafficking, giving LSD to college students, overthrowing evil communists, propping up benevolent military dictatorships and puppet governments in these nations etc etc. We simply ask that APSU hold the organizations it allows on its campus to the same high standards it holds students to.

Why is this important?

On wednesday 26 September 2012 the Austin Peay State University (APSU) Office of Career Services will be hosting a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recruitment event on campus. The CIA has a history of recruiting students and professors to stop communism, giving students new job opportunities, as well as a long list of repeated stopping of terrorists. Activities such as these are very acceptable and will be tolerated at APSU. We are calling on the campus administration to uphold the student code of conduct and allow the CIA on our campus.
