To: and all progressive groups

Citizen Imposed Congressional Term Limits

Citizen imposed congressional term limits is the tool that can put the United States on path to true majority-rule democracy. It is within the capabilities of the American majority to regain control of the political and governmental processes by instituting six year term limits on all congressmen and senators. We must simply pledge to our individual consciences that we will not vote a second term for any United States Senator and no more three terms for any United States Congressman. “Citizen imposed” is the key, it requires no legal or judicial concurrence.

Progressive groups must publicize and support support this endeavor if we ever expect to regain majority rule. Sign this petition to let progressive groups know that you support this movement.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court in its rulings held that money is speech and bestowed personhood upon nonhuman entities such as corporations. These decisions have effectively ceded the control of the governmental processes to a minority economic class and administered a coup de grâce to majority rule. The concentration of the national wealth, due in major part to these decisions, has resulted in a dangerous concentration of political power.
