We the taxpayers of Fresno County, California demand that the Fresno County Board of Supervisors settle the CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE AND DECLARATORY RELIEF lawsuit against MARGARET MIMS, Sheriff, Fresno County; EDWARD MORENO, M.D., Director, Fresno County Department of Public Health; GEORGE LAIRD, Ph.D., Division Manager, Division of Correctional Health, Fresno County Department of Public Health; PRATAP NARAYEN, M.D., Medical Director, Division of Correctional Health, Fresno County Department of Public Health; RICK HILL, Captain of Detention, Fresno County Sheriff’s Office; and MARILYNN WELDON, Captain of Inmate Programs and Contracts, Fresno County Sheriff’s Office, on December 15, 2011 by the Prison Law Office and Disability Rights California charging that Fresno County officials had been “deliberately indifferent to the unreasonable risk of harm” for inmates with mental health and different disabilities at the county jail.
Why is this important?
Fresno County cannot afford to continue to poor hundreds of thousands of dollars defending a lawsuit they know they can not win. Too much money is wasted trying to hide or delay the ultimate judgement against the Fresno County Jail. Investing dollars used to fight this class action lawsuit, would go much further if it were used to the improve and restore conditions of adequate healthcare and mental health services to constituitonal standards. Fresno Co. Board of Supervisors you have that power, we demand that you use it! Settle this lawsuit and see to it that the defendants of this lawsuit focus on the priorities on improving adequate inmate healthcare and mental health services to constitutional standards at the Fresno County Jail.