To: BLM Director Neil Kornze, BLM Director

Citizens Demand the Forced Removal of Trespass Cattle from the Gold Butte area

The repeated cancellation of the roundup and removal of Cliven Bundy's cattle from the Gold Butte area has only increased his lawbreaking activities and emboldened Bundy and his dangerous followers. Rule of our public lands by armed militia is completely unacceptable. Due process has been conducted and the courts have ruled. We demand that the BLM and other law enforcement agencies take fast and decisive action to remove the trespass cattle and punish those who have broken the law.

Why is this important?

The residents of the Virgin Valley have had their access to Federal Lands restricted by the lawless actions of Bundy and have watched the Gold Butte area continually be degraded by the unlawful trespassing of Cliven Bundy for many years. It is past time for the BLM to do the job it is charged with and do WHATEVER IS NECESSARY to remove the trespass cattle and punish the unlawful actions of Bundy and his followers. Do your job. Backing down to criminals will never change their unlawful behavior and only serves to encourage others to follow his unlawful actions. DO YOUR JOB, or resign Lawlessness only breeds more lawlessness.
