To: Boca Raton City Council
City of Boca Raton Florida-Go Fur Free!
We ask all signers to Pledge to not purchase Fur or Fur Trimmed clothing and items and further ask the Boca Raton City Council to pass a ban on the sale of all Fur and/or Fur Trimmed clothing and items in the Boca Raton City Limits.
Why is this important?
Cruelty to animals is never justifiable, but it is particularly disturbing when it is done stricly for vanity and profit.
We pledge to refrain from purchasing any and all Fur and Fur trimmed items and clothing including coats, hats, scarves, boots, shoes, gloves, pet toys, household furnishing etc.
We support the Ban of the sale of Fur and Fur trimmed clothing and any apparel/household items in the City of Boca Raton, Florida and elsewhere.
We urge the City Council to propose and make final a resolution of such a ban within the city of Boca Raton .
We find the cruelty perpetrated on fur bearing animals to be barbaric, unnecessary, unacceptable and choose not to support an Industry that raises animals solely for the purpose of ripping their skin from their bodies and using it as decoration.
Fur coats are not a necessity, they are a luxury item which causes extreme cruelty to living beings.
Fur trim and other items made from fur are not necessities, they are decorative only.
Of the 40 million animals a year slaughtered for the Fur Industry, 85% of them come from China, a country that has no humane standards at all. After being raised in unnatural, crowded conditions, at the age of about 8 months ,most animals are anally electrocuted prior to skinning, their bodies being discarded as waste. Horrifyingly, for the sake of efficiency, some Chinese fur farmers place animals into boiling water while still alive, so that their skin pulls away from their bodies easier. This has been recorded and documented by world wide news organizations and is available for viewing on the Internet for those people that are skeptical that humans could be capable of that degree of indifference to suffering.
Even in America, there are no protections for the animals raised for their fur and they, too, are raised in horrifying conditions, electrocuted and slaughtered at a young age , their bodies discarded.
For more information about the cruelties of the Fur Industry, visit
We pledge to refrain from purchasing any and all Fur and Fur trimmed items and clothing including coats, hats, scarves, boots, shoes, gloves, pet toys, household furnishing etc.
We support the Ban of the sale of Fur and Fur trimmed clothing and any apparel/household items in the City of Boca Raton, Florida and elsewhere.
We urge the City Council to propose and make final a resolution of such a ban within the city of Boca Raton .
We find the cruelty perpetrated on fur bearing animals to be barbaric, unnecessary, unacceptable and choose not to support an Industry that raises animals solely for the purpose of ripping their skin from their bodies and using it as decoration.
Fur coats are not a necessity, they are a luxury item which causes extreme cruelty to living beings.
Fur trim and other items made from fur are not necessities, they are decorative only.
Of the 40 million animals a year slaughtered for the Fur Industry, 85% of them come from China, a country that has no humane standards at all. After being raised in unnatural, crowded conditions, at the age of about 8 months ,most animals are anally electrocuted prior to skinning, their bodies being discarded as waste. Horrifyingly, for the sake of efficiency, some Chinese fur farmers place animals into boiling water while still alive, so that their skin pulls away from their bodies easier. This has been recorded and documented by world wide news organizations and is available for viewing on the Internet for those people that are skeptical that humans could be capable of that degree of indifference to suffering.
Even in America, there are no protections for the animals raised for their fur and they, too, are raised in horrifying conditions, electrocuted and slaughtered at a young age , their bodies discarded.
For more information about the cruelties of the Fur Industry, visit