To: Urbana Mayor Laurel Prussing, Alderman Aaron Ammons, Alderman Bill Brown, Alderman Charlie Smyth, Alderman Dennis Roberts, Alderman Diane Marlin, Alderman Eric Jakobsson, and Alderman Michael Madigan

.@cityofurbana: Join @CityMinneapolis To Say #NoDAPL

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Join Minneapolis in supporting the water and land protectors at Standing Rock. Call on President Obama to instruct the Army Corps of Engineers to revoke the permits for the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Why is this important?

On Monday, September 12, we will rally at Urbana City Hall at 6:30 pm. [1] We'll be calling on Mayor Prussing and the Urbana City Council to follow the lead of Minneapolis [2] in supporting the water and land protectors at Standing Rock. We'll present this petition urging them to call on President Obama to instruct the Army Corps of Engineers to revoke the permits for the Dakota Access Pipeline.

On Friday, the Obama Administration said it would stop construction on a critical stretch of the Dakota Access Pipeline until it can do more environmental assessments. [3] This is a very welcome move by the Obama Administration. We want this welcome pause to be made permanent.

To address the threat to people around the world of climate change, we need to keep more fossil fuels in the ground. A great place to start is by helping Native Americans protect their lands and water from unwanted fossil fuel development.

Sign our petition urging Mayor Prussing and the Urbana City Council to pass a resolution against the Dakota Access Pipeline, like the City of Minneapolis has.
