To: The Indiana State House, The Indiana State Senate, Governor Eric Holcomb, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Civil rights or prisons?

"Stop the privatization of prisons, its a matter of your civil rights and human diginity"

Why is this important?

The privatization of prisons by the state. Prison is dehumanizing it cripples the human mind and body and its effects remain for a lifetime. For those that don't go insane or become emotional sterile, meaning "institutionalized". Life after returning to their families or community is never the same, many are mentally incapacitated from the effects of what they have had to endure or see done to others to survive. For many it is the same a surviving a war. Only to come back into a society that further dehumanizes them by not recognizing their right to vote or feed their families by having a job, which ultimately destroyes the family unit. Many of the companies lobbying the government are guaranting a 90% full capacity rate within the prisons..this means eventually someone you love or know will be imprisoned because to accomplish this rate more laws will need to be made to undermine your civil rights as free Americans!!! to embroil you into the criminal justice system and once there, there you will remain, trapped in a system that cares little for you as a individual or a human. And, the true problem is that you never quit paying and never does your family. For those that do make it back sane to their families, since they have received no true rehabilatation( you must fit a criteria and a waiting list) many come back home with only the survival skills of a prison life. We must and can do better than this!!!