To: The New Jersey State House
Close Developmental Centers
Please oppose S2596 as it represents an unlawful disregard of the U.S. Supreme Court Olmstead decision, and as it represents confining people with disabilities to institutions, at over double the cost of housing them with better medical attention and care in the community.
Why is this important?
NJ S2596 that each region -- north, central, west and south -- maintain one operational developmental center and that “certain factors” be considered before residents are transferred between centers. This Bill disregards the U.S. Supreme Court's Olmstead decision, and is not in line with the interests of the population that the Department of Human Services serves.
The suggestion that New Jersey needs to maintain one developmental center in each region is abhorrent. Keeping developmental centers open - regardless of which state they are located - undermines disability services’ progress and the basic human rights of all people, regardless of their abilities.
The suggestion that New Jersey needs to maintain one developmental center in each region is abhorrent. Keeping developmental centers open - regardless of which state they are located - undermines disability services’ progress and the basic human rights of all people, regardless of their abilities.