To: The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, and Governor Brian Kemp

Close the Healthcare Coverage Gap

Stop money from the checks of tax-paying Georgians going to expand healthcare coverage in other states who want to insure their most vulnerable workers; demand that Governor Nathan Deal and the Georgia Legislature stop the gamesmanship and accept the help being offered to uninsured Georgians by the federal government. It's our money, our health, and our lives on the line!

Why is this important?

It is projected that 1,176 Georgians will die this year due to inaccessible healthcare. The remaining 500,000 who survive fall into a coverage gap, created by Governor Nathan Deal and the Georgia General Assembly when they voted to opt out of coverage expansion available through the Affordable Care Act, and almost 3.5 BB dollars. The cost, in terms of human lives, and human potential, however, is incalculable, quite staggering and incredibly devastating for the loved ones of Georgia’s victims. I know- I am one of many.
