CMSD Board Members should direct CEO Gordon and his team to do their jobs by coming back to Negotiations to hear, understand, and resolve issues at the bargaining table.
Why is this important?
CEO Eric Gordon and the CMSD team walked away from negotiations with the Cleveland Teachers Union on February 17, 2016. With six weeks of previously agreed upon meeting dates remaining, the district chose to put the fate of the Cleveland schools in the hands of a third party Fact Finder.
These negotiations are not about money. The Cleveland Metropolitan School District must acknowledge the real issues that members face every day and that these issues can be resolved. The teachers, paraprofessionals, and related service providers want the district to walk back to the table for serious discussions about real issues in our schools.
The members of the Cleveland Teachers Union want their concerns heard, understood, and resolved. CEO Gordon and his team need to do their jobs and walk back to the table to negotiate.