To: Roberts,, CEO of Comcast

CNBC/COMCAST Is a Republican Vehicle, Make CNBC Honest

CNBC must clean house, remove the tainted and Republican shills of the CNBC line up like, distorted Kerner, pandering Quintanilla, selfserving Maria Baltiromo, screeching Rick Santelli and decadent Larry Kudlow. These Republican shills are putting their Republican lies above the reliability and objectivity of the CNBC platform. They are using their pulpit and performing a clear disservice to CNBC. CNBC has lost its veracity as an objective and insightful economic/financial media source.

Why is this important?

CNBC is a Republican Vehicle for lies and Romney Propaganda. The majority of its commentators and anchors blast the airwaves with their Republican distortions. Joe Kernen, Carl Quinanilla, screeching Rick Santelli, pandering Carl Quintanilla, heavy handed Maria Baltiromo and vacuous and destructive Larry Kudlow are puppets of the Republican party and provide a constant platform for the lies of the Republican Party.

This morning, Carl Quintanilla was especially offensive as he challenge the veracity of Secretary of Labor, Solis, and the new unemployment report. Carl Quintanilla is offensive, unprofessional and unfairly Republican biased. He is not an objective voice on CNBC. His interview with Sec. Solis was absurd and insulting, as he quoted Jack Welch's tweet, who is a blatant Republican puppet and offensively stated that the govt. lied in its recent recording of the unemployment rates. Welch received his bottom lines at GE by FIRING his employees to increase his profits... he is not an objective source but works non stop for Romney. Welch's skepticism and constant Republican lies of deception are out of like, like their boss, Romney. As the self-serving Republicans constantly lie and deceive they have created a distorted climate of distrust. The Republican attempt to taint the veracity of the FED employee results are disgusting and another ploy in the Repulbican constant barrage to manipulate the system for their personal gain.

Republicans will do anything to win. They lie, they constantly alter the facts, they manipulate the system in any way they can to suppress the American vote... ENOUGH!!!

CNBC's Republican personalities like the weak and pandering Carl Quintanilla, the sardonic and bitter Joe Kernen, screeching Rick Santelli, uninformed Larry Kudlow and heavy handed self serving Maria Baltiromo are out of line, out of touch with the American populace and provide a totally skewed and distorted view of economic news. NBC has provided them with an unfair platform to spew their Republican venom.

Time to clean house, and return CNBC to its clear platform to provide objective financial information.

Time for Move ON to take on CNBC and make them remove these offensive Republican shills.