CNN/MSNBC: Stop projecting onto Sanders the faults owned by Trump and the GOP
CNN and MSNBC are implying that Bernie Sanders' policies would lead to violent authoritarian "socialism" and an end to capitalism when the elephant in the room is the violent authoritarian and anti-capitalist (corrupt, monopolistic) policies of Trump and his GOP supporters. CNN and MSNBC know full well that Bernie Sanders' DEMOCRATIC socialist policies are in fact all about democracy and democratic capitalism, not authoritarianism, while Trump and his GOP enablers are hell-bent on dismantling democracy in favor of authoritarian capitalism. As a classic case of projection, the authoritarians have the gall to label the Democrats as authoritarian when it is clearly they, not the Democrats, who are the authoritarians. CNN and MSNBC are grossly misleading in supporting these upside down assertions. (and of course Fox News is far worse at such Orwellian propaganda, but there is no hope for them).
Why is this important?
This issue is important because the survival of democracy in the U.S. is at stake and, more importantly, the survival of the planet.