To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

COBRA - Deadly Snake or Bridging the last Healthcare GAP!

People forced out of work within 10 years of Medicare eligibility or those losing coverage due to employer decisions should be allowed to either participate in COBRA until Medicare eligibility or have an insurance policy available in the 'Exchange' at a rate commensurate with the one they were paying before their change in status. Losing Healthcare coverage in your 50's or 60's along with a job that may never be recovered is double jeopardy with the additional assault on health and health care coverage for long term hard working people.

Why is this important?

People leaving the work force or 'retiring' before they planned who have 10 years or less to Medicare should be able to purchase insurance through COBRA until age 65 when REAL healthcare coverage begins. Additionally, if within 10 years of Medicare Eligibility, one forced out of insurance should be able to purchase insurance through COBRA or reasonably priced policies from the 'exchange' for more than 18 months and until Medicare eligible.

While losing a job at any age is not a pleasant experience, an unexpected job loss at an age when many have preexisting conditions can be devastating in many ways, including healthcare coverage. Not that COBRA is cheap, it is FAR cheaper than premiums for those with preexisting conditions that have real needs to be covered. Having to pay anything, especially MUCH MORE than the COBRA costs is just one more slap in the face of a willing, formerly hardworking person and their dependents.
