To: Prince George's Community College, President Donald Trump, The Maryland State House, The Maryland State Senate, Governor Larry Hogan, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
College is already over-priced, NOW YOU WANT 100% TODAY
It's not bad enough that you have to have a college degree and you still have to sit and HOPE you can get a job. NOW the colleges want 100% of the tuition at the time of registration!
Why is this important?
Letter to Congressional Reps and Senators:
Let me start off by saying I am not going to mince words, I will shoot straight from the hip and tell you how POOR of job you are doing and have been doing in reference to college students and student loans. You can do WAY MORE then what you have done! Instead you allow the laws to college enrollment to be changed for the WORST and at the most financially inopportune time.
I am 3 semesters into earning a degree in Public Relations and Journalism to be notified by email that this Fall I would have to pay 100% of my tuition at the time of registering for class. Now I know because you get a WOPPING tax-payer salary the rest of us are not so fortunate! You use the tax-payer money to pay your child’s college tuition to position them to become the next succubus on the tit of the American tax-payer AND THEY DON’T HAVE TO PAY BACK A PENNY IN STUDENT LOANS!
Now I am sure that common sense is not so common so let me continue ….
How in the world if over 8% are unemployed, and have been for some time, do think they are going to come up with the money to pay for the OVER INFLATED price for the piece of paper from a college/university? Better yet pay for books that are over-priced and are out-of-date at the end of the semester they were purchased – so there is not even the possibility to get some of our funds back. REALLY!? Understand this NOT Obama's doing, it's the doing of you weak backed, limp-wristed politicians that are stealing the tax-payer money by not DOING YOUR JOB AND PLAY AROUND ON THE CLOCK!
Now the Republicans and LAZY Democrats have found yet another way to break down the middle class, divide families, dampen hopes and DESTROY dreams! We voted for you = WE HIRED YOU TO DO A JOB THAT YOU HAVE BEEN LESS THEN SUCCESSFUL IN MEETING THE EXPECTATIONS OF THIS POSITION, come November I will make sure YOU WILL NOT GET ANOTHER VOTE FROM ME AND ANYONE THAT WILL LISTEN! Your time in office needs to come to a screeching halt just like all of us that were in the middle of degrees and don’t have the finances to complete them.
Believe it or not there are those of us who don’t believe in doing a job halfway or QUITTING IN THE MIDDLE. We elected you to be our voice, you have YET to be seen or heard now that you all have manged to mess it all up and want to blame the Black man. I am more than a little upset and disgusted with your lack of enthusiasm for your position and IT IS TIME SOMEONE ELSE HAS YOUR JOB!
Pharice Brown
Tax-payer, Student, Mother and Business Owner
Letter to Congressional Reps and Senators:
Let me start off by saying I am not going to mince words, I will shoot straight from the hip and tell you how POOR of job you are doing and have been doing in reference to college students and student loans. You can do WAY MORE then what you have done! Instead you allow the laws to college enrollment to be changed for the WORST and at the most financially inopportune time.
I am 3 semesters into earning a degree in Public Relations and Journalism to be notified by email that this Fall I would have to pay 100% of my tuition at the time of registering for class. Now I know because you get a WOPPING tax-payer salary the rest of us are not so fortunate! You use the tax-payer money to pay your child’s college tuition to position them to become the next succubus on the tit of the American tax-payer AND THEY DON’T HAVE TO PAY BACK A PENNY IN STUDENT LOANS!
Now I am sure that common sense is not so common so let me continue ….
How in the world if over 8% are unemployed, and have been for some time, do think they are going to come up with the money to pay for the OVER INFLATED price for the piece of paper from a college/university? Better yet pay for books that are over-priced and are out-of-date at the end of the semester they were purchased – so there is not even the possibility to get some of our funds back. REALLY!? Understand this NOT Obama's doing, it's the doing of you weak backed, limp-wristed politicians that are stealing the tax-payer money by not DOING YOUR JOB AND PLAY AROUND ON THE CLOCK!
Now the Republicans and LAZY Democrats have found yet another way to break down the middle class, divide families, dampen hopes and DESTROY dreams! We voted for you = WE HIRED YOU TO DO A JOB THAT YOU HAVE BEEN LESS THEN SUCCESSFUL IN MEETING THE EXPECTATIONS OF THIS POSITION, come November I will make sure YOU WILL NOT GET ANOTHER VOTE FROM ME AND ANYONE THAT WILL LISTEN! Your time in office needs to come to a screeching halt just like all of us that were in the middle of degrees and don’t have the finances to complete them.
Believe it or not there are those of us who don’t believe in doing a job halfway or QUITTING IN THE MIDDLE. We elected you to be our voice, you have YET to be seen or heard now that you all have manged to mess it all up and want to blame the Black man. I am more than a little upset and disgusted with your lack of enthusiasm for your position and IT IS TIME SOMEONE ELSE HAS YOUR JOB!
Pharice Brown
Tax-payer, Student, Mother and Business Owner