To: President Donald Trump, The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, Governor Matt Bevin, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

College Students need a break in fuel prices.

Every college student has a budget to succeeding in their educational goals but when the cost of fuel keeps climbing that takes a bit bite out of the monies alloted to use and puts a slow down on our abilities to afford our education. The government subsidies fuel for those that truck our commodities across the nation. Why can't the government subsidies college students fuel cost with the same card that the truckers get while they are attending their semester studies. I spend $600.00 in fuel cost each semester which would pay for one semester class and now that I can't afford that class I am one step behind in my graduation schedule. I ask that our fuel be subsidised only while attending, spring, summer and fall classes and not for trips to the beach or errands, only education! You did it for the truckers so they would not band for a boycott on fuel. What if all collage students said to heck with their education and boycotted fuel cost, what would happen. I would say a lot of public and private colleges would close and the U.S. education system for the future would also have to take a hit on hirig anyone with a timely degree. Boom there is another hit on the economy!! Help us our while we are striving to make our great country high in the ranks of education!

Why is this important?

Every college student has a budget to succeeding in their educational goals but when the cost of fuel keeps climbing that takes a big bite out of the monies alloted to use and puts a slow down on our abilities to afford our education. The government subsidies fuel for those that truck our commodities across the nation. Why can't the government subsidise college students fuel cost with the same card that the truckers get while they are attending their semester studies. I spend $600.00 in fuel cost each semester which wouldour fuel be subsidised only while attending, spring, summer a pay for one semester class and now that I can't afford that class I am one step behind in my graduation schedule. I ask that nd fall classes and not for trips to the beach or errands, only education! You did it for the truckers so they would not band for a boycott on fuel. What if all collage students said to heck with their education and boycotted fuel cost, what would happen. I would say a lot of public and private colleges would close and the U.S. educational system for the future would also have to take a hit on hiring anyone with a timely degree. Boom there is another hit on the economy!! Help us students while we are striving to make our great country higher in the ranks of education! Give us a break on our fule costs!!